Ephemeral Eternal: A Fusion of Design and Fine Art

Elizabeth Yerin Shim's Award-Winning Gallery Show

Elizabeth Yerin Shim's Ephemeral Eternal, a gallery exhibition of seventeen oversized narrative posters, blurs the line between design and fine art. Inspired by a simple yet profound event, Shim has created an immersive environment that invites viewers to engage with the story visually and interactively.

The inspiration behind Ephemeral Eternal is a small, seemingly insignificant event: the discovery of a lost bottle cap on a snowy New York street. This tiny object, left pristine and untouched atop the fresh snow, sparked a profound realization in Shim. She interpreted this moment as a message from the universe, a reassurance that it was looking out for her. This experience was so powerful that it led Shim to write an essay about it, which later became the foundation for the Ephemeral Eternal exhibition.

What sets Ephemeral Eternal apart is its unique approach to storytelling. Each poster in the exhibition is a chapter in the story, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the narrative. The posters are not merely static displays; they contain hidden elements that draw viewers in, encouraging them to explore the space and engage with the story on a deeper level. This interactive element adds a layer of depth and complexity to the exhibition, transforming it into a treasure hunt of sorts.

The posters were designed using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop and are printed digitally on paper. Each poster measures 120cm by 170cm, creating an imposing and captivating presence in the gallery space. The exhibition is designed to be experienced in a linear order, beginning with a large snowflake poster that sets the mood of the snowy night. However, viewers are free to explore the space and engage with the posters in their own way, discovering the hidden elements at their own pace.

The creation of Ephemeral Eternal was a process that spanned over a year, beginning in New York in 2015 and concluding in Seoul, South Korea, in the fall of 2016. The exhibition was displayed at Yoo Art Space in Seoul from December 14 to 23. The project was underpinned by theoretical and academic research in the areas of narrativity and semiotics, which helped Shim create a cohesive and evocative narrative.

Ephemeral Eternal is a testament to Shim's innovative approach to design and storytelling. It is a celebration of the beauty and wonder that can be found in the most mundane moments. The exhibition was awarded Silver in the A' Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award in 2017, a testament to its creativity, technical excellence, and emotional resonance. Ephemeral Eternal is a reminder that eternity can be discovered in an ephemeral moment, and that beauty and wonder are waiting to be discovered in the most unexpected places.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Elizabeth Yerin Shim
Image Credits: Jipil Jung, Jinkyun Ahn
Project Team Members: Elizabeth Yerin Shim
Project Name: Ephemeral Eternal
Project Client: Elizabeth Yerin Shim

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